

$ 21.11

Availability: 52 in stock
  • Brand: Epson
  • Series: TM-H6000IV
  • Connectivity: Wired
  • Machine Compatibility: Windows
  • Condition: The unit being sold is untested as we don't have a power adapter. No returns or refunds
  • Printer Type: Thermal
  • Custom Bundle: No
  • Print Method: Thermal
  • MPN: M253A
  • Model: Printer


    General terms and policies
    For all prices and products, we reserve the right to make adjustments due to errors, changing market conditions, product discontinuation or typographical errors in advertisements. Price changes may occur at any time without notice. Although Internet orders generate an automatic confirmation, We may change pricing, product description or specification after any order confirmation or response email but prior to shipment due to errors, changing market conditions, product discontinuation or typographical errors. By bidding or purchasing an item from us, the buyer agrees to all of terms and policies.
    Charity Benefit
    100% of each listing benefits Heroes Deserve Help a Veteran 501c3 Non Profit. This account is considered a "direct seller" for the nonprofit.
    Questions - Message our eBay account ANY time, and expect a prompt response.
    Payment via PayPal is preferred. No outside orders,
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    If a buyer needs more time to process a payment due to unforeseen or special circumstances, simply message our account so we may coordinate with you for the best possible outcome.
    Shipping –
    United States ONLY (no international shipping offered. Forwarding addresses not protected by eBay or Heroes Deserve Help)
    Heroes Deserve Help determines carrier of choice. Most listings are free shipping (Lower 48 United States). Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico shipping fees with be paid by the buyer.  The buyer is responsible for having accurate information on their eBay and PayPal accounts. We will NOT ship to alternative addresses requested by the buyer. We will NOT ship items internationally. If you're an international buyer, or buying with the intent of forwarding to another address, or the listing details item(s) may be shipped by Heroes Deserve Help out of the country - it is in error, and neither us or eBay will not be responsible for items shipped outside of the United States or forwarded to another address.
    Shipping Continued - Forwarding of Packages are NOT PROTECTED
    We do not support the use of Forwarding addresses or purchasing packages with the intent of shipping them to an alternative address than the one featured on the buyer's account. We reserves the right to decline shipment, sale(s), blacklist, reporting of  these addresses, and the buyer's using them, as it is in violation of eBay policies and a violation of the listing policies outlined. NOTE: the buyer is NOT protected in these situations. Your item is ineligible for refund or return. Please, do not  buy from us if you intend to break these policies by using forwarding addresses.
    Heroes Deserve Help packages and ships items Monday through Friday! If payment is collected by 12pm PST, a shipment label will likely be generated the same day. If after 12PM PST, the shipment will be made ASAP, typically by noon the following business day. For the most accurate information, follow the tracking details provided to the buyer through eBay. We are not responsible for shipping delays once the package is collected by the carrier. If an item takes more than 10 days to arrive once it is picked up by the carrier, a case will be opened against the carrier and the buyer will be notified. In the event that the package is lost by the carrier or otherwise unable to be delivered to the buyer, they will be notified and refunded the full purchase amount.
    Product returns (Forwarded and International buyers not protected)
    100% refund with return shipping covered, contact us within 72 hours of delivery - package is unopened and immediately returned on delivery (item refusal). Package arrives DOA (see details below) or other than described. Send us a message, and we'll work closely with the buyer to resolve any situation.
    Following the 72 hours from delivery, a minimum 5% restocking fee per business day will apply. If the item is returned damaged or in condition other than what was shipped, a restocking fee equal to the value difference will be applied. Intentional damaging or removal or parts may result in an inflated restocking fee, and the buyer will be reported to eBay.
    We reserve the right to accept or decline any return for any reason. In most cases, just communicate with us and we'll provide the best customer service we can.
    DOA - Dead on Arrival
    Sometimes items may arrive damaged or may be "other than described" because of the carrier used to deliver the item(s) featured. If a damaged package arrives, the seller is asked to make documentation for record so that a case be opened by Heroes Deserve Help against the carrier. We assume responsibility to deliver as described. The buyer is responsible for properly documenting damages, and reporting to us within 72 hours of package arrival.
    Pictures of the packaging prior to opening should be captured - graphic evidence should continue to be captured as the package is opened. Once the packing material is removed, the content(s) should also be photographed and inspected. In the event that the content(s) are damaged and otherwise not as described, contact us immediately within 72 hours so a claim may be started, and a return/exchange/refund process may be started.
    If this claim process is not properly followed or executed within 72 hours of package arrival, the claim may be denied.